I thought I'd write about my cute grandchildren and start with the girls. This is the oldest, Audrey. She is going to be 7 years old in a month and is smart and beautiful. When she was little she would get out of the car and run straight for me and at the last minute veer off and run straight to Grandpa! But she makes up for that now and is full of hugs and kisses whenever we see each other and she always likes to sit with me and read a book. What a darling girl to start off our dynasty of grandchildren!

This is Zoe. She came along just six weeks after Audrey. Where most of the others always preferred Grandpa, Zoe has always been mine - mostly because for four of her nearly seven years, she has lived around the corner! Zoe is a smartie like the other girls, loves to read, loves to play family and loves to torment her brother. It may be the age, but both Audrey and Zoe like to dictate the game and the rules, which can really tick off the other kids and even each other. They can get so mad at each other and then turn around and hug and cry when it's time to go home!

This beautiful girl is Holly, sitting in Jenny Lake. She's been away all summer and I'm looking forward to seeing her soon. She turned 5 in Minneapolis and is looking forward to first grade. Holly is another one that was hard to pin down for a hug, but I think it was because she lived so much inside her head and always had a storyline running, preoccupying her. She is fun to watch play as she talks all the parts of all the toys. Erin encouraged her to come out of herself a little at a time during Kindergarten and she did very well. She is also incredibly smart and has her own blog!

This is Morgan. She is coming up on 2 and is darling. She loves her daddy and then her mommy and grandma is waaaayyy down on the list. I was in Alaska when she was born, and sick the first 6 months of her life, so there was no early bonding. Every time we get together I have to work to reestablish a bond. I seem to have found the perfect connection - free food for grazing! Last week when we were relaxing in the backyard, Morgan discovered the raspberry bushes and immediately set to work stripping them. Pretty soon she was coming up to me, offering a hand smeared with smashed

raspberries to "gama". She found the way to a grandma's heart - to come up and give hugs (or smashed raspberries) and call her grandma - and I found the way to Morgan's - sprinkle the bushes with food!
All of these beautiful girls have a strangle hold on my heart and I love them all. Aren't they adorable?