Sunday, January 21, 2007

A Conundrum

Robert and I are trying to decide what to do with our two weeks of time share trades. My first choice is to save them and go to Scotland for two weeks in the spring of 2008. It would cost a chunk, depending on the exchange rate (dollars to pounds). Robert would like to take a week this spring and go to Canada, to the Banff National Park, plus two days in Yellowstone on the way home. It would be late April - early May, so still snowy, but probably really good for seeing wildlife and we both enjoy driving through that landscape that time of year.
And then to take the second week next year and fly to Orlando in January. These two trips together would run almost as much as the one to Scotland, but would be two trips (still just 2 weeks, but 2 trips to 2 different places). Plus no surprises on foreign money, and not quite as expensive, which is good since we have to be saving money for the big family Disneyland trip in 2010! And our last two big trips were to Europe. But on the other hand, Canada and Orlando aren't Scotland!
So - what opinions do you have on the matter - I'm interested!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Such a Storm!

The snow hasn't stopped all day and I've had such concern shown for me. When my dad heard that I was venturing out in the snow and driving for the first time in two months, he called immediately from St George to tell me not to go. When Rob came over, he also told me to stay home and off the roads, plus he shoveled my walks. And then, an hour later, when the walks were completely snowed in again, Zoe insisted on clearing them herself, to save my sore shoulder from the pain. She didn't have gloves or boots, but wore Grandpa's wellies and broomed a path from the house to the street so that she could walk to her ride to kindergarten in her school shoes safely.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A New Year

A new year, a new venture. I thought that I would try out a blog for myself and see if I could come up with something worth reading. It also gives me a spot to post my photos and be creative changing things around. It will be fun to play with as the new year goes on!