This sums up so nicely the experience of spending time with children who are between the ages of 4 and 7. At least all the ones that I am related to. They all want to make up the game. Each one one wants to be the dictator of the rules, the charactors, the plot...basically the universe. With Jimmy and Zoe, the ground is usually hot lava and no one can walk across it. If Jimmy has to reach a toy, wants a cookie, has to potty, whatever and comes up with his own imaginative "wetsuit" Zoe throws a fit because it "isn't in the game". And vice-versa for Jimmy if Zoe breaks one of his rules. And pretty much the same for the other cousins too. What is it about this age that they each need to be the king? (Or princess?) Were we this way, too?
1 comment:
You know, I should have realized that naming her Zoe would be a scary thing after reading this comic strip.
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