Not only has he had to put up with me for the last 33 years, but the last year. When I fell apart because kids were moving away. When I kept going to visit them. When I got sick in August and haven't gotten better yet. When I plan big plans and then he has to carry them out because I'm sick. When I make him come listen to every little detail of some stupid thing I'm doing because he's the only one I ever see. When he lets me complain about the same pain or symptom, big or small, that he's heard me complain about over and over and over.
He treats me as if I'm the most special person in the world - not sick, not fat, not silly, and makes my dinner and does the laundry as if he looked forward to doing them. We eat dinner together every day, in spite of his busy Bishop schedule.
We love to be together and to talk together. Our favorite vacations are still on the road together, hours a day, driving - whether in Yellowstone or Cornwall - it's the sharing that makes it fun. Without his unfailing love and unselfishness, my life would have been so different and so awful! I only hope to pay it all back some day. I love you, Robert!
I couldn't agree more, except there's no need for the costume, it's fairly obvious who he is even when he's pretending to be mild-mannered Clark Kent.
He is superman but I think you both are super parents. How else could I have gotten such an incredible husband? It took two wonderful people.
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